Monday, May 31, 2010

Singing releases endorphins!

An extremely wonderful 'K-nite' with e girls. Rem' my previous post, singing releases endorphins. What is that? "Endorphins are released which makes one in a vibrant mood!" Everybody out there, u gotta sing more tho, it's really great, especially to those who loves music. I believe u will agree with me!
 The right eye of melody caught my attention. Kawaii!!
 Yummilicious pure dark chocolate cake from Laurent Bernard chocolatier..
Can't stop takin' pics with e yummy cake - wanna says thks to 'mr chocolate', u kw who u r. :)
Say twist and twist..cheese n cheese..

Friday, May 28, 2010

A trip to East Coast Park

 Smiling from ear to ear, headed to e East Coast Park this afternoon - intention to cycle. Unfortunately, due to the pungent smell of the oil spill, dropping e idea was a good choice. Could not wait to examine on the sea that was reported to be severely polluted. Gosh.., poor marine animals..i feel for u. Pics shot by phone, not very clear but not too bad either.
Busy sweeping my fringe, loves e natural breeze!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious alittle sunny, eyes r really closin', sunglasses!
Look at e dry oil spill leftover on e sand.
The sea isn't that severe. Not that Milo color anymore today. :) Looks great, clean n not as bad tho.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Somewhere simple to relax the mind..

A super-sweet friend brought me to a nice place after a long day of wk yesterday. Good thing is that this nice plc is juz' minutes away frm my home sweet home. Facing the reservoir water with music on frm the i-phone, sitting under e glistening moon plus the breeze sweeping through our faces! It's all about rejuvenating n relaxation! Blink at my messy hair, no make-up, dressing real casual with my b'sandals. Wah great, always luv to be natural. Oh ya, spotted a white GTR at the same carpark as us but nv take the pic cos' guess it wasn't necessary. To our puzzlement, this GTR is parked in the HDB carpark, u kw.. some drivers just love to indulge in cars but not property. It is really true.
Flash is alittle too much-forcing nt shutting my eyes

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Isn't an excuse

My pinkilicious camera isn't with me. Apologise for nt blogging lately-hyper busy with some stuffs. Will be right back.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Audi R8 V10 Spyder 2010

Exuding close to satisfaction is the arrival of Audi R8 V10 Spyder 2010 showcased at the Singapore Audi Fashion Festival! Wow at the 5.2-litre V10 DOHC engine. Performance Max Speed at 313km/h and Acceleration from 0 - 100km/h at 4.1s. Honestly and ultimately, still prefer the exterior of the other R8 featured in my previous post.
The sports rim caught my eyes though. Eccentric.
Back view is alittle too feminine. Opsies! Designers-pls tell me why?
Visualize sitting inside the comfort of Fine Nappa leather seats and cruising down the road under the glistening moon as the music is played out from a wonderful sound system - Bang & Olufsen, gosh that is simply great!

Missed the Singapore Drift!!!

Aww, due to work, missed the Singapore Drift which was held on 24th and 25th April. Jeeeezz.. Recalling sitting in a drift subaru sometime ago at the front passenger seat. Wow-was really exciting though.
Looking at the track breeds excitement..hee!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Audi R8 Top View

Top view of the Audi R8 is just too lovely! Can't stop talking about this, this is crazily cooooool. The two best views about this super-hot R8 are....the sleeker side view n the 'see-through' engine top view. Hmmm.....:) Drooling..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

R8 is super duper cool

Audi R8 black n white is super cool. I fell in love at the first sight of it tho'..."P
This pic may show just simplicity of the design BUT in real if u happen to see this R8 up close, tell ya its really cool, especially the love for black and white. Feels great. Feels ecstatic when I spotted this. Awesome! :)

GT R8 - Hmmm...perhaps the black n white version looks a lot more alluring.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pagani Zonda - Love it! Yes, love it!

Gonna gasped at the rear view of Pagani Zonda! Prior to that, take a closer look and admire the 'matt-black' zonda, always has an eye of matt black, goodness it's extremely gorgeous n unique. Crazy car designers r really gd at this crazily bold design. The entire car is way too hard not to turn head. Gosh.
 The 'matt' is jus' awesome!
 Mentioned in my previous blog-gonna luv the rear, the most exotic part is the 4 exhausts together in one!
A detail look at the exhausts. . . 
 Yes-crazy designers-u r really gd..
 The eyes are just too special. Colors combination are great. Wonder why this picture reminds me of 'spade' poker cards, perhaps the eyes and the white background triggers it all. Lol..

Pink Packaging!

Attracted to this pink packaging-really sweet really 'pinkilicious' - wow. Like the way they play with just the two tones colours pink and black. Good job graphic designer. Visualize one of the walls in the room painted with pink n white slanted stripes and a creative art drawing at the side, beautiful n artistic for sure! Yes creativity! Once again, juz' imagine this without the DKNY wordings painted on the wall. Thks for the inspiration, sweeeeeet.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Donnie Yen Chi-tan 甄子丹

His acting skills though not much expressions yet shows lots of emotions. Didn't know this Donnie is born in 27 July 1963. A phenomenal Hong Kong martial artist, actor, film director, action choreographer and film producer. Yen was born in China, his mother is a Wushu plus Tai Chi practitioner, while his father, Klyster Yen, is a newspaper editor. He moved to HK with his family at the age of two. Shifted to Boston when he was 11. Really cool. Has a family with two lovely kids and a beautiful wife. Hmm..seems like a family man in the pics below, very different frm his movie character though.
 Sweet & Lovely daughter and son of Donnie Yen
His wife, Cecilia - sexy pose.
 More like a lovely mum here.
Thumbs up for this newbie, has potential o.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ferrari 430 Spider burst into huge flames!

Gosh, on 1st May 2010, billows of black smoke engulfed the F430 spider as the ferocious flame was seen burning furiously and incessantly, along Stamford road. Curious onlookers were standing on the right side pavement, perhaps waiting for the firemen to arrive. Heaving a sigh of relief, the driver was unscathed and managed to escape the flames! In no time, the firemen arrived at the scene and extinguished the flames. Nonetheless, the sports car was severely damaged. Hopefully, the young chap would receive a good compensation from his insurance company. What an unfortunate day for the driver! ..awww..
Feel sorry for the driver. The state after putting out the fire.

Shopping in town!

Orchard has turned into a tantalizing shopping paradise! 313 is extremely vivid, full of attractive colors in most of the boutiques! Wow, shopping or window-shop will never be that bored & straightforward anymore! Shimmers, glittering and lighting of the beautiful frontage works wonder and liven up the mood! Yipee! Everywhere you walk is like a beauty, thanks heaps to the architects, fashion designer, display artist and lighting professional. :) Which professional did I miss out.. hmm..
As happy as a lark.
An aisle of lovely dresses on the Mannequin above! Very good marketing strategy! Caught a glimpse of the Pink with black scarf, looks really nice and stylish! Tempted to buy.
Smiling from ear to ear!
Delicious 'chye poh egg & bak hu' noodles is simply great! 
(the very right one) black drink is glass jelly-slurp!
Appealing frontage - this is what I initially meant, lighting plays a significant role! It brightens up the whole of orchard whole of frontage. Know what I mean, luring shoppers into the mall and making them stay much longer than before. Sensitive to the 'blings blings' on the pillars and exterior of the facade.
One of the boutiques that carries the most vibrant and stylish wear, ever came across!