Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pagani Zonda - Love it! Yes, love it!

Gonna gasped at the rear view of Pagani Zonda! Prior to that, take a closer look and admire the 'matt-black' zonda, always has an eye of matt black, goodness it's extremely gorgeous n unique. Crazy car designers r really gd at this crazily bold design. The entire car is way too hard not to turn head. Gosh.
 The 'matt' is jus' awesome!
 Mentioned in my previous blog-gonna luv the rear, the most exotic part is the 4 exhausts together in one!
A detail look at the exhausts. . . 
 Yes-crazy designers-u r really gd..
 The eyes are just too special. Colors combination are great. Wonder why this picture reminds me of 'spade' poker cards, perhaps the eyes and the white background triggers it all. Lol..

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