Saturday, May 1, 2010

Shopping in town!

Orchard has turned into a tantalizing shopping paradise! 313 is extremely vivid, full of attractive colors in most of the boutiques! Wow, shopping or window-shop will never be that bored & straightforward anymore! Shimmers, glittering and lighting of the beautiful frontage works wonder and liven up the mood! Yipee! Everywhere you walk is like a beauty, thanks heaps to the architects, fashion designer, display artist and lighting professional. :) Which professional did I miss out.. hmm..
As happy as a lark.
An aisle of lovely dresses on the Mannequin above! Very good marketing strategy! Caught a glimpse of the Pink with black scarf, looks really nice and stylish! Tempted to buy.
Smiling from ear to ear!
Delicious 'chye poh egg & bak hu' noodles is simply great! 
(the very right one) black drink is glass jelly-slurp!
Appealing frontage - this is what I initially meant, lighting plays a significant role! It brightens up the whole of orchard whole of frontage. Know what I mean, luring shoppers into the mall and making them stay much longer than before. Sensitive to the 'blings blings' on the pillars and exterior of the facade.
One of the boutiques that carries the most vibrant and stylish wear, ever came across!

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