Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lau Pa Sat Satay Stick - Yummilicious!

Nostalgic satay fan!
 You can still see the Satay Man fanning e many sticks of satay....
 Yummy satay!
Have not tried e prawns yet. Must try e next time I go Lau Pa Sat! With a glass of beer - 'teh tarik' would be satay is alittle oily~hee**
At times, yes i will miss Lau Pa Sat as I thought of e satay & mutton soup. Sinful.
A stretch of 'satay umbrella stalls' at Singapore Lau Pa Sat on the road which is a hustle & bustle of traffic during e day. Road close from evening time for food lovers. Love e taste of stall number 1. FAT MAN SATAY! Like e soft bite on the chicken and mutton meat. Still prefer mutton meat! Slurrppp...salivating my throat, hmm.

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