Friday, April 23, 2010

Watched 'Animal Farm' directed by Ivan Heng

Thumbs up for the exaggerate expressions, emotions and the 'sound effect' produced so amazingly! It's really an amazing hard work and training beforehand. Yu Beng is really muscular in person and  I admire Yeo Yann Yann's acting skills the most!! Very natural especially the 'tears in her eyes'. Wow, the play was well-directed too! Engrossed throughout the whole 'Animal Farm' play directed by Ivan Heng. Their 10th anniversary production was simply just great! If not for a nice friend, wouldn't have encounter this.

Watch it if you are into ARTS. Love arts, really do. Creativity beyond imagination! :)

Packed like sardines.
 These 'six' phenomenally great acting skills! Applause.

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