Monday, November 15, 2010

Food & food..yes!

Chwee Kueh - chye po was tiny yet tasty~Love it. The chye po was good. Satay bee hoon wasn't that bad though.

Looks yummy huh..?! ") Queue really long for the big prawn mee, the best part is the prawns, obviously.. it's fresh n sweet.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Largest projector in a wedding bliss~

Taking pix shot b4 heading into e banquet..
The projector caught my eyes in a friend's wedding. E sound system was good too to add on. Stage was wide. Amazed.

Chen Xiao Chun's wedding bliss~

The cutest wear plus a sense of creativity I ve ever seen - something different for brothers to dress up in such a fashion in Chen Xiao Chun's wedding! Good job. I juz can't stop smiling lookin at e brothers' costume. Cute.
 Nice black & long socks tho~Nice matching Bermudas.
Chen Xiao Chun's wedding bliss~

Indian Masala Thosai tastes good!

This thosai is generously filled with potatoes & vegetables. It tastes great with e ingredients of pepper herbs & spices! E white coconut taste gravy is gooooood.~Slightly prefer e one @ Komala~ Realise that Thosai with potatoes fillings is named "Masala Thosai"..."Uncle a plate of Masala Thosai!" (correct!) VS "Uncle a plate of thosai with potatoes?!" (correct still

Best fluffy peanut coated cake & peanut Ang Ku kueh!

This cake is not appealing BUT but BUT it tastes really fluffy...really soft.... it melts in e mouth.. really nice. It is a hand-made peanut butter cake. Will never reject this. Never.. :)~~~Tasty~~~
Another hand-made Kueh'Kueh, look at the aunties inside e shop, they r kneading e dough for all e kuehs' sold in this small little stall. E peanut 'ang ku kueh' is the best. Very soft skin. Yes love it. Glutinous was not too bad either.
Take, pay & go~!

Ikea Good & Bad.....

Ikea Special (good): Was impressed by e extra service I spotted in Ikea right after my payment at the counter. There was this huge banner stating "It's OK to change your mind,..." Interesting isn't it...

Ikea NOT SO Special (no good): Was surprised when I was @ e payment counter when I ve to pay 20 cents each for a plastic bag to store my purchased items..What's more, did a self-made handle using the string provided @ e SELF-WRAP counter.. lol.

 Self-made handle :)