Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bel's wedding~!

OCTOBER is hectic, finally it's going to be over~!!! A new month arriving soon, give me a break, ve a kit kat~end of the day, i did not set perm. Left it natural... Had a wonderful day at Bel's wedding~!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Scorching sun ^^sob-sob

The sun shone on me like a thousand needles - hmp!!! What's wrong with MR SUN?! Is he fuming and his breath is heating up...

Dislikes  the UV rays to the extreme - n the heat of the sun!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Work hard, save hard**~**

Yes, work hard and save really hard for rainy days. E majority people who works extremely hard, spent extremely hard too! Depending on how each n individual look at it. Ultimately, a rich person is one who has assets more than liabilities ~ ^^ ~ it's not based on e amount one earns - is based on how a person saves or grows it! ~