Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How can anyone be an angel, can y nt?!

Hey hello - the thought of having a angelic mind n heart isn't that easy huh.. ? Loving urself b4 luving anybody makes much sense though. Spotted many humans in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the best part is everyone of us is unique as no one has the exact characteristics and mindset. Hu,,~~~wat m i toking about.. toking bout the fact though!!! LOL ") Apologise for no pics n blogging recently, hyperduper buzi, nt an excuse again. Hmp~!

Nonetheless, just be true, sincere n enjoy the life!! ") cheerios!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A nite in C.Q

Was captivated by the red n back checkers flooring. LOL.^^ Can anyone imagine tons spotlights being seen shimmering in the lavatory - goodness. :)
After a period of exhausting work load, managed to chill-out with the babes. Hoorray, was a fun nite though. Hmmmmmm.... lol... :)
Live band was good from the females, for the male singers - not that great tho'..anyways, the vocal do matter!
cheers--^^--yes no alcohol.,hee! Fruity punchie was simple best among all I ve sipped before! Really gd.