Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Addicted to jogging

Sry haven't been blogging lately. Was super busy. :P Heee. Lost n found my camera battery, Yippee..! (Nt an excuse for not uploading pic, opsie!!) Alrite, thunder could be in a distance yesterday nite ard 8plus - got ready for a jog but the roar stopped me. HMP!!! :) Tonite I wish there will no roars or streaks of lightning. I wonder why I like to jog so much - equal to caffine, hahaha. Gotta putup pics sn, bear with me. The climate is getting cooler - love it. Hmm...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ready to go Town!

Yeah--getting ready to town :) Yipee had a splendid day! Heeeeeeee. Town is really a super-nice place to shop, shop and shop!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A heart of gold

Money cannot buy people with a heart of gold. Genuine, lovely and sincere people are rare breed. Past through the years, to spot someone who has these three superfabulous qualities isn't that easy. If happen to spot, treat them like a precious treasure!!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Yeah it's finally here...Theee PC SHOW!

Queuing for the Scrumptious Porridge!

After what seem like eternity, finally got a taste of my favorite pork porridge. Yu hoo..yummy yummy, really delicious... sometimes craving for this happens quite frequently when there is no appetite 4 fried stuff, u kw. One thing I don like is the 'you tiao' not crispy! Hmp! Hmm, anyways its really far at the heart of Bishan. :)
this is 'it' - the stall at e hawker centre..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Garfield Kittens

My bro spotted these two fluffy adorable kittens in Hongkong and took e shots. Neither into cats nor kittens, but these two are exceptional. The one in light golden fluffy fur looks like 'garfield' sooooooo cute. The greyish one is really sweet too! Just sharing, hardly can we spot this in SG..
In its deep slumber..zzzZZzzz
 u r cute.